Connecting activity, wellbeing and better mental health among further education learners and staff. A series of infographics supporting colleges and learners to be more active. Further ...

This Autumn ColegauCymru will be holding a series of events looking at the next stages for Active Wellbeing in the Further Education sector.  ColegauCymru is delighted to invite representatives f...

ColegauCymru was pleased to contribute to the Senedd’s Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee’s inquiry into Participation in sport in disadva...

This Autumn ColegauCymru will be holding a series of events looking at the next stages for Active Wellbeing.   Supported by recent research funded by Welsh Government for better mental health in ...

The races gave the opportunity for FE students from colleges in Wales to either competitively race in a duathlon containing a 5km run, followed by a 20km cycle and finished off with a 2.5km run or try...

ColegauCymru is delighted that FE Multisport will return for a second time this month. Taking place at Pembrey Country Park on 11 May 2022, the inclusive event will include both non-competitive and co...

ColegauCymru is delighted to announce the return of our FE Multisport Pembrey Event 2022 following a 3-year absence. Hosted at Pembrey Country Park on Wednesday 11 May 2022, this inclusive Duathlon of...

ColegauCymru is delighted to welcome Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport Dawn Bowden MS, to our forthcoming event, Winter of Wellbeing - Outdoor Challenge 2022, on 30 March. Funded as part of the Welsh...

ColegauCymru is delighted to share details of a project funded by Welsh Government to support further education settings to promote physical, mental, emotional wellbeing through increased access to cr...

ColegauCymru has today welcomed the Welsh Government announcement of £65 million of new funding for further education, higher education and adult community learning in Wales.  We’re e...

ColegauCymru is pleased to share the findings of two independent reports looking into the effects of the Covid19 pandemic on sport and wellbeing in further education colleges across Wales. ColegauCymr...

The Covid19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the health and wellbeing of the nation as well as the interruption to the education system.  ColegauCymru is pleased to host a webinar which will ref...

As a new academic year gets underway and as we continue to navigate the challenges brought about by the Covid19 pandemic, ColegauCymru is optimistic about the year ahead. We’re grateful to staff...

ColegauCymru is delighted to announce the winners of the inaugural Power Up FE Challenge, a new weightlifting competition for FE learners which took place in earlier in the summer term.    T...

ColegauCymru is pleased to join forces with Weightlifting Wales to launch Power Up FE, a new weightlifting challenge for FE learners in the summer term of 2021. This competition is designed to pr...

The inaugural meeting of the Further Education Young Ambassador Programme (FEYA) on 19 April 2021 signalled the launch of a new scheme to empower learners to be...

Notice is herby given that the ColegauCymru Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 18 May 2021, to receive the annual report.  A calendar appointment,&n...

We welcome today’s publication of the Welsh Parliament Children and Young People and Education committee final report The impact of COVID-1...

ColegauCymru invites proposals from organisations to undertake research within the FE sector to establish the current status of internationalisation, to determine what needs to be in place to further ...

How can FE colleges increase awareness and celebrate their work in improving the wellbeing of learners and staff? Particularly, project delivery that challenges the negative impact of the Covid19 pand...

College Sports Academies move training from pitch to PC  There are a number of issues facing college sports academy programmes at this difficult time, none less than there being no competitive sp...

The First Minister on Friday 11 September announced that face coverings will become mandatory for everybody aged 11 and over in indoor public places across Wale...

ColegauCymru would like to wish Cerys Davies well for the next stage of her education and career progression in the world of education, sport and Health and Wellbeing after her internship with us come...

The First Minister has today published a written statement in the context of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020 which places a series of...

ColegauCymru, as part of its ongoing partnership with Sport Wales is excited to be part of the #BeActiveWales campaign aiming to keep Wales moving during the Coronavirus crisis. Experts, athletes and ...