
The ColegauCymru Further Education Principals’ Forum represents the interests of FE providers. In addition, we convene several strategic groups with targeted focus.

Curriculum and Quality Group
Chair: Yana Williams, Coleg Cambria 

The Curriculum and Quality Group focuses on the development of the education learners receive within colleges. Working alongside Qualifications Wales and Estyn, the Group reviews the educational developments of various sectors such as Construction and the Built Environment; Engineering; Health and Social Care and Childcare; Travel and Tourism; and the Hospitality and Catering sectors.

Financial Directors’ Strategic Group
Chair: Mark Jones, Gower Coleg Swansea

The Group considers matters relating to finance in the FE and apprenticeships sector and reports to the Principals’ Forum.

HR Directors Network
Chair: Mark Dacey, NPTC Group of Colleges 

The HR Directors Network develops a strategic approach to HR matters within the FE sector and makes recommendations to the Principals’ Forum. 

International Group
Chair: Andrew Cornish, Coleg Sir Gâr / Coleg Ceredigion

With several areas of focus, this Group supports the development of opportunities for learners to see and experience different parts of the world. It also helps to bring teaching from other countries to Wales. Learning exchange programmes such as Welsh Government funded programme Taith allows learners and staff to travel and gain valuable work experience, with the Group helping to develop and maximise these opportunities.

Learner Experience Group
Chairs: Viv Buckley, Bridgend College, and Catherine Lewis, NPTC Group of Colleges

The purpose of the Learner Experience Group is to promote, support, and embed the highest standards of advice, support and guidance for every individual.

Management Information Systems (MIS) Managers Network
Chair: Jonathan Morgan, Coleg y Cymoedd

With the aim of developing the information systems of managers within colleges, this Network looks at the various systems and data that are important for the development of student learning. The decisions made are focused on improving learning, learner experience and cross-college collaboration.

Strategic Work Based Learning and Employability Group
Chair: Barry Walters, Pembrokeshire College

This Group develops a strategic approach to work-based learning matters in the FE sector including apprenticeships and makes recommendations to the Principals’ Forum.

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