Reflecting on a challenging 12 months; looking ahead to a productive year

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As a new academic year gets underway and as we continue to navigate the challenges brought about by the Covid19 pandemic, ColegauCymru is optimistic about the year ahead. We’re grateful to staff, learners and stakeholders alike in the way they’ve come together to ensure that the health and safety of all remains our priority.

We’re committed to supporting Welsh Government in their endeavour to #KeepWalesLearning and will continue to work closely with them, the trade unions and college leads to ensure that our further education institutions continue to be safe environments in which to learn and work.

Our Priorities for the Year Ahead

  • The colleges will be supporting 16-19-year-old learners, particularly those having to revisit areas of their learning due to the challenges faced during Covid19. 
  • They’ll be on hand to assist adult learners who are having to re-evaluate work choices, return to education or retrain in light of a fast-evolving economy. 
  • We’ll look to support our members as they work to align education and training more closely with the fast changing needs of employers to help support economic recovery. 
  • We’ll continue to work with our members to ensure that the interests of learners remain at the heart of the work we do, and to ensure that both vocational and academic learning are equally valued. 
  • A key part of our work over the next year will also be to continue influence government and other relevant organisations to help shape public policy on the further education sector here in Wales. 
  • We’re looking forward to working with government colleagues and stakeholders as plans progress in changes to further education governance (as part of the proposed CTER bill). 
  • We’ll continue to support essential college projects through various enrichment and enhancement activities such as projects to support the delivery of overseas development opportunities to both learners and staff. 

On behalf of all the staff at ColegauCymru, we thank both learners and staff at our further education colleges for their continued support and engagement and wish you all a happy, healthy and productive year. 

Dymuniadau gorau i bawb! 
Iestyn Davies 
ColegauCymru Chief Executive 

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